Poster Guidelines

1. General Guidelines

  • The E-poster should be prepared in Landscape format and with least amount of background graphics for easy readability.
  • Maximum two Students can participate for each E-poster.
  • Maximum time- 06+02=08 minutes (Presentation + Q & A). Presenters should strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed to avoid negative marking.
  • Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the E-poster.
  • Registration Number to be inserted on the Upper right corner of the E-poster.

2. File Format

  • The e-poster must be a single slide which will be displayed on the day of the presentation.
  • To be prepared in PowerPoint (PPTX) format only using Microsoft 2010 PowerPoint or later version.

3. Slide Dimensions

  • In landscape with a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio.

4. Design

  • Font size should be legible for easy viewing (Title Font Size: 24px, Text Font Size: 18px).
  • Use professional fonts (e.g. Calibri, Times New Roman).
  • Ensure that any photographs or figures are of a size which will be clearly visible, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

5. Language

  • English only.