In Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council, Since 2022
Poster Guidelines
1. General Guidelines
The E-poster should be prepared in Landscape format and with least amount of background graphics for easy readability.
Maximum two Students can participate for each E-poster.
Maximum time- 06+02=08 minutes (Presentation + Q & A). Presenters should strictly adhere to the allotted time and not to exceed to avoid negative marking.
Identity/ Affiliation of the Presenting Author should not be displayed in the E-poster.
Registration Number to be inserted on the Upper right corner of the E-poster.
2. File Format
The e-poster must be a single slide which will be displayed on the day of the presentation.
To be prepared in PowerPoint (PPTX) format only using Microsoft 2010 PowerPoint or later version.
3. Slide Dimensions
In landscape with a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio.
4. Design
Font size should be legible for easy viewing (Title Font Size: 24px, Text Font Size: 18px).
Use professional fonts (e.g. Calibri, Times New Roman).
Ensure that any photographs or figures are of a size which will be clearly visible, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.