In Special Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council, Since 2022
Baba Jaswant Singh Award for Best Paper presentation in Student Category
Baba Jaswant Singh is the founder of BJS Dental College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab.
He is a renowned religious leader of Sikh dharma.
Registration of the congress is mandatory.
The Award will be granted for best Student presentation in the original research category.
The presentation must be an unpublished work and suitable for publication in the JSAAPD (Journal of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry).
All nominees will present their work in an oral presentation before the expert committee during the Congress.
The evaluation criteria will be based on case selection, newer techniques used, documentation including videography consent, photography consent, follow ups and video presentation of the case.
The judges may reach out to the participants via live questions after the oral presentation.
The decision of the expert panel will be considered final.
Presentation of the certificate, plaque and cash prize to the winner will be made at the Closing Ceremony and the winner is required to participate in the ceremony.