The South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry is ardently devoted towards children’s oral health care across the continent.

An embodiment of constructive thinking specifically directed towards developing new methodologies while optimizing the use of traditional concepts aimed at building a future essentially free of oral ailments in children.

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United Nations has 193 countries, and thousands of societies under its umbrella. SAAPD got a big opportunity to participate in the 78th UN General Assembly, 2023. The UN headquarters stood tall armed by a sea of soldiers, holding flags high and making headlines on each hour of the day. SAAPD Secretary Dr. Gyanendra Kumar, representing the society with Dr. Rahul Hegde, Dr. Sivakumar Nuvvula and Dr. Francisco Ramos Gomez, gave an introduction of the society at the massive UNGA dias at UNHQ, NYC.

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Past Events

3rd Congrress of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry - Goa


August 26-28, 2022

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Advanced Clinical Training Workshop (Lectures, Live Demos, Hands-on)

Venue: D.Y. Patil Dental School, Lohegaon, Pune, INDIA

December 18th to 19th, 2021

International digital Pediatric Dentistry congress

“Pedo -Virtual Summit 2021 organised by Bangladesh society of Pediatric Dentistry

April 9-11, 2021


on Dental management for medically compromised children- Part 21 by Dr. Juan Fernando Yepes,

2 May, 2020.


on Tips and tricks for predictable composite restoration in pediatric patients by Dr. Sanjay Miglani.

3 May, 2020

4th International Conference

Ramoji Filmcity, Hyderabad

Feb 9-11, 2024

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Upcoming Events

1st Biennial Conference 2018

Heartiest congratulations to everyone for this wonderful conference... indeed everyone was very happy 😊 to meet old friends, make new ones, learn from the wonderful academic feast, we all enjoyed good food and specially the dance floor…

All appreciations to Gyanendra for conceptualisation of this special SAAPD bond - and kudos to the patron of society @Ik Pandit, president @Veerendra Goel, Secretary @Gyanendra Kumar and @Vijai Mathur AND THE CORE TEAM MEMBERS - Staff, PGs and all the different committee members who contributed to the success of this beautiful conference and courses.

For me the 'Icing on the cake' was the award- for which I thank all of you- my friends - who have always encouraged me ... thanks everyone for your kindness and wishes.

Heartiest congratulations to everyone for this wonderful conference... indeed everyone was very happy 😊 to meet old friends, make new ones, learn from the wonderful academic feast, we all enjoyed good food and specially the dance floor…

All appreciations to Gyanendra for conceptualisation of this special SAAPD bond - and kudos to the patron of society @Ik Pandit, president @Veerendra Goel, Secretary @Gyanendra Kumar and @Vijai Mathur AND THE CORE TEAM MEMBERS - Staff, PGs and all the different committee members who contributed to the success of this beautiful conference and courses.

For me the 'Icing on the cake' was the award- for which I thank all of you- my friends - who have always encouraged me ... thanks everyone for your kindness and wishes.